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Start With Why

His vision is clear.

Our passion is driven.

The future is exciting.

As we continue to serve those around us, to lead where God directs us and to dream bigger than we have, we ask you to continue your prayers for our family. As we look towards 2020, we see God positioning us to be His hands and feet in the most practical of ways. The cafe is opening doors on how we can continue to creatively bridge business as a way of mission. 

Over our time in Europe, what we do has shifted, but the reason we are here has not. Europe needs Jesus! We will let God use us anyway He desires to reach as many people with His love as we can. 

Connecting business & mission.

Last week we were at a conference in Cyprus with other BAMers… (BAM: business as mission). Our heads and hearts are filled with so much encouragement and ideas… 

  1. We are amazed to see how much God is doing through BAM around the world.
  2. We are honored to be able to serve Him through business and the potential is untapped. We love how many people will talk about God in the cafe because we see how closed they are hearing about Him by coming to church. 
  3. We are better equipped and thankful for several individuals who have so much expertise and heart to help us do business well. 
  4. We are excited and ready for the next step. God is absolutely on the move through business. We GET to be a part of this, and you are a part of our we.