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Childlike Faith

You learn to listen to those who have gone before you. You try to the best of your ability to do what “seems” simple to do… and when God does what he intended to do, it’s awesome! I heard this saying, “what God orders, he pays for.” Isn’t that awesome!!!

Hannah said in an earlier post that the church we spoke as was small… we knew that going into it, but we just felt that we had to go into that service the same way we would go into a service that had a few thousand in it.

Well, today we had a check in the mail from the church. Before that letter was even open Hannah and I were more than thankful for the opportunity we had, and we knew that God was going to take care of us in this whole journey. That checked from 23 people turned out to be $1,468.

In that moment, you just want to sit back and just be in awe of God’s goodness. So good!

and for some.